Build from source#

With Docker#


The following is an experimental Docker build of LaTeXBuddy. It is not optimized and very unstable.

Prerequisites: Docker

The image is sadly not being distributed yet, so you have to build it yourself. It isn’t complicated, but it takes around 7 minutes on a MacBook Pro and takes about 8 GB of extra space (the built container is around 1,15 GB). Once built, the image can be reused.

  1. Build the image and tag it:

    docker build -t latexbuddy/latexbuddy .
  2. To run the image once, run the following command:

    docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/latexbuddy latexbuddy/latexbuddy file_to_check.tex

    This will create a container, run the command on the file file_to_check.tex in your current directory. If you wish to set another directory as root, change $(pwd) to the desired path.

  3. If you often check one file, you may want to create a container and run it without discarding it.

    1. First, create a container:

      docker create --name lb -v $(pwd):/latexbuddy latexbuddy/latexbuddy file_to_check.tex

      The container will have the name lb — you are free to choose a different one.

    2. Every time you want to run checks, run:

      docker start -a lb

      The -a option redirects the output in your terminal, so you can see the output.

    3. After finishing, remove the container:

      docker rm lb