
LaTeXBuddy is a Python package and thus can be installed with pip

GITZ registry#


This section is outdated. It relies on the GITZ server, where we used to host our project at.

Create a token#

To install packages from GITZ’s GitLab Package Registry you’ll need to create a personal token. Go to and create a personal token with the read_api scope. You can give it any name and expiration date you want.

Screenshot of the "Personal Access Tokens" page

After clicking “Create personal access token”, you’ll be shown your created token. This is the only time you’ll see it, so make sure to copy it to not lose it!

Screenshot of the generated token

Enable VPN#

Access to most parts of the GITZ infrastructure is closed for people not affiliated with the university. For good measure, enable your VPN.

Install the package#

To install the package, execute the following command:

pip install latexbuddy --extra-index-url https://__token__:<your_personal_token>

Don’t forget to replace <your_personal_token> with the token, generated in the previous step!

Other versions#

To install other versions and to view the generic information about the package, you can navigate to its page in GitLab.